Marcus Beach 2020 Workplan

Hi All,

Below is an outline of our work plan for 2020. A more detailed plan has been submitted to Council.

If we are successful in our Multi-year Environment Grant, we will re-instate BA 45 (Marcus Creek) as a work area, as this has been identified as a weak point in the dune system, at risk of inundation and high levels of coastal erosion due to the movement of the creek during adverse weather events.

We will need more volunteers, so please, put the word out, especially to neighbours living in the vicinity. (I know some of you already have.) Thank you for your continuing support. The dunes need us more than ever.

Marcus Beach Foreshore 2020 Work Plan

The annual objectives for 2020 are:

Beach Access 47  – Four  Working Bees

  • Maintain 6 metre weeded strip along BA47 that extends from the carpark to the beachfront
  • Remove old growth asparagus fern on the southern and western edge of the ephemeral wetland . (Aim to increase cleared area by 5 sq metres.)
  • Manage weed regrowth in the previously weeded area behind properties 1 to 11, Tristania Drive.
  • Remove Dragon Fruit that has re-established on north side of BA47 path. (Council, June 13 working bee.)

Maintain the interpretative walk signs and replenish brochures as required.

Beach Access 46  – Four  Working Bees

  •  Increase the 4 metre weed management zone around the swale at Beach Access 46 to  5 metres, clearing asparagus fern to the top of the ridges so that berry drop into the areas weeded is eliminated. where all asparagus fern and Gloriosa Lily is either removed or cut back before it fruits. (2 working bees)
  • Treat the patch of established pepper trees on the eastern ridge to the north of BA 46 (Council, May 9 working bee.)

Swale connecting BA 46-47 –  Two Working Bees

  • Remove emerging Ardisia, Peppers Umbrellas and Lantana from this area. Record and remove any other emerging new weeds.

NB: This work plan may be revised if MBBA receives funding from the Coastal Connect Grant Application submitted to Council in December 2019. If we are successful, an additional work plan will cover the funding specific sites and activities.

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