Hi All,
You are invited to Coolum Coastcare’s Asparagus Assasin Project Launch by
Deputy Mayor Frank Wilkie, Noosa Council
9.00 am, Wednesday February 21
Tasman Trespasser Park
Tristania Drive
Beach Access 47
Marcus Beach
Coolum and North Shore Coast Care have commenced a “Roving Weeders” program working with Bushcare groups in the Noosa Shire commencing with Marcus Beach Bushcare Association.
Join Noosa Council’s Deputy Mayor Frank Wilkie, on Wednesday, February 21 at 9.00 am, to launch the Coolum and North Shore Coast Care Asparagus Assassin Project. The launch will be at BA 47 – Marcus Beach in Tasman Trespasser Park, Tristania Drive and is jointly hosted by Coolum and North Shore Coast Care and the Marcus Beach Bushcare Association.
Invented by Peregian Beach Bushcarer Ron Gooch, the Asparagus Assasin is a game changer when it comes to managing Asparagus Fern on the Foreshore Reserves. Bendigo Bank proudly sponsored this project to acquire and roll out the new tool.
Please pick up a free native plant for your garden at the launch to help our native fauna and flora flourish. Discover what the local Bushcare groups do to preserve our natural habitats. Better still, why not join one of the many Bushcare groups on the coast to help with the asparagus challenge?
Tony Gibson
Project Manager Asparagus Assassin
Coolum and North Shore Coast Care
Thanks for publishing this story and well done to the assassin team. This site provides good information of stopping the spread of invasive weeds:
Many thanks Mike. Our site was created and is maintained entirely by a group of dedicated volunteers so I will personally pass on your comments too! Much appreciated.
I have just read the ABC report on the Assassin- are other groups able to secure a copy of the method of “manufacture”, say Landcare, Men’sSheds, Bush Regeneration businesses?
Hi Dee,
Thank you for your interest in the Asparagus assassin. I have forwarded you question to Ron.
Kind Regards,
Jude Tulloch
Hi Jude
I am a member of the North Brisbane Catchments Group who have a number of bushcare sites on the northside of Brisbane. Also saw the ABC post and interested in more details on the tool for possible use at our sites.
Love this – I just saw the story on ABC. We have a huge Asparagus problem in my home town in regional Vic – I’d love to get advice on how to make a tool to help control it. Great job by the team in Noosa!
Hi Samantha,
Thank you for your comments. I gave forwarded your request to Ron.
Best wishes,
I’m involved with the Moreton Island Protection Committee, and we would be very interested in using this technique to manage asparagus fern. I would like to know how the tool is made, so that we can make or buy one also for our team
OMG there is Asparagus weed on Moreton Island, include me to start a war group to kill it off.
This is fantastic! Great work Ron.
Would love one of these. Is it available for sale? Thanks