Castaways bushcare

The sun sets on a chilly May evening at Castaways Beach

Hi Chris, Sally, Kylie and the Marcus Beach crew,

This is a test email to the Castaways Beach bushcare mailing list which has been incorporated into the MBBA website. Many thanks to Jude, Graham and Mark for making this happen šŸ˜Š.

The plan is to use this platform to send out reminders prior to our monthly bushcare sessions at Castaways which happen on the 4th Saturday of the month. Each month we will rotate between sites BA 44, 43 and 42 so that a bushcare session happens at each site every 3 months. 

Once we get the ok to resume group activities, Iā€™ll start sending out reminders a few days prior. I think 8am is a good start time in the cooler months? Perhaps the first session could be at BA44 to support the new group that has started up at Noosa Dunes. 

If there are other people who would like to know when the Castaways Beach bushcare sessions are happening they should add their email to the mailing list via the MBBA site To do this, they should go to “Sign up to our newsletter” on the menu, fill in their details and tick the last two boxes, (Castaways plus News and useful information about plants). Can you please pass this on to others to may be interested in joining us. 

Let me know if there are any issues with the above. Otherwise hope to see you soon. 



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