Check out the Plan at Your Say Noosa, where you can also do the Quick Poll and find out about the Consultation opportunities:
A long time coming, the Eastern Beaches Coastal Management Plan (EBCMP) is now posted on the Noosa Council Your Say page for public comment.
At first glance, it is broad in its scope dealing with the complex management issues, the challenges of sustaining a healthy ecosystem which is a narrow strip that is bounded by urban development and a main road, the inherent fragility of a dune system, and the need to manage impacts of climate change and increased use. This is a considered plan that considers various viewpoints and notes what people on the ground are observing as potential and immediate challenges.
The MBBA will write a submission on the EBCMP which we will post on this website. In the meantime, below is the section on encroachments. This is a strong and clear policy directive with resources allocated to implement the policy.
MBBA thanks those members and Bushcarers who signed our petition and distributed it through the wider community.
We extend our thanks to Councillor Brian Stockwell who presented the MBBA petition regarding encroachments to Council.
Councillor Stockwell also successfully moved two motions at the Council meeting where the EBCMP was approved. These were in relation to Action 11.1 Develop and resource and encroachment policy. The first strengthens the wording in the existing document. The second proposed an additional action: a zero tolerance and timely enforcement approach to any new encroachments. These long overdue changes will also have flow-on effects for other reserves.