Pink skips & pandanus: Castaways bushcare update

On Monday Landcare contractors started work to remove Singapore Daisy alongside Castaways Creek near the underpass, as part of the Coastal Connect project. It didn’t take long to fill a pink skip! Many of the established trees along the creek are now gloriously free of the dreaded daisy. 

Up the other end of the creek each Sunday we continue to meet to free the dianellas, hibbertia, goats foot and other local beauties from the grip of the daisy. Please come along to BA42 Sundays at 8am if you want to join us in this epic battle, which we are slowly but surely winning.

We also have an information session on Pandanus Dieback at Castaways on Sunday 8th of November with pandanus guru Joel Fostin. There will be an opportunity for participants to plant pandanus along the creek to help stabilise the banks and strengthen the local pandanus population. More info to come!

Happy weeding


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