Peregian Creek, Final Meet

Our final working bee for the year will be this Saturday, 19th November, from 8 am, at Beach Access 49.

We shall continue to work on Basket Asparagus south of the boardwalk and clean up the area to the entrance to The Retreat, using hedge clippers to take off the foliage and then bag any berries or flowers and what crowns we dig up, while the foliage will be left to compost on site.

You will be under surveillance as you arrive as a camera has now been installed near the entrance to capture the image of the person who might be tempted again to pull up our interpretative walk signs or write graffiti on them.

After work, Mike Jones has kindly invited us to have our morning tea/coffee upstairs at 388 David Low Way, above Glen Eden reception, where there are tables and chairs overlooking the pool.

Hope to see you there,



About Paul

Paul has worked as a forester since graduating from ANU in 1967 in many countries for the private sector, The World Bank and international aid agencies, starting with the Papua New Guinea Forestry Dept. A volunteer with Noosa and District Landcare since 2000 working on farm forestry, bushcare and waterways monitoring.

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