Hi All,
The Landcare Crew were down at the site last week removing Singapore Daisy along the creek edge and getting stuck into the Broad Leafed Pepper Tree thicket. We’ll add to their efforts.
Then, around 9.00 we’ll head across the road to see the various stages of Broad Leafed Pepper growth and discuss control methods. Wesley Manson has begun work on the peppers along the western footpath at Marcus. He’s kindly offered to return in November to do more work there. It’s a big issue not only at Marcus, that needs some Council support.
Also, I will bring along Ron Gooch’s innovative prototype tool for removing Asparagus Fern, fondly named the Asparagus Assasin. What a clever, timesaving invention of Ron’s. The Council will soon have an engineered tool based on Ron’s design for us to use.
Congratulations Ron on your persistence in developing the tool, and thank you to the Council for taking the prototype to the production phase, so that all Bushcare groups can be more effective in waging the war on weeds.
Hope to see you on Saturday,