The first day of Summer marks the end of another Bushcare year. Thank you to our Committee, our wonderful volunteers and affiliated groups, our members and our supporters. There have been many gains but some outstanding issues too, all of which warrant a separate newsletter that we’ll send out in the New Year.
Congratulations to Michelle Wilson on her election as our new President at the MBBA AGM. Michelle has been a valued member of the Committee for several years and brings a wealth of experience to the job.
We also welcome Adrian Gallagher to the Committee. Adrian attended our very first Marcus Beach Bushcare site meeting in 2009 and has been a member of MBBA since its inception. We are looking forward to seeing more of Adrian in 2024 when he becomes a permanent resident at Marcus Beach.
As ex-MBBA President, I greatly appreciate the support of so many people over the last seven years and will continue my role as Marcus Beach Bushcare Coordinator.
Enjoy your time with friends, family and loved ones over the summer break. Come back to Bushcare in 2024 refreshed. Together we make a difference.
Best wishes