Do we want the Aircraft Landing Ground on the Noosa North Shore?

Hi All,

Coolum Coastcare drew our attention to the following email from the Queensland Department of Environment and Science regarding land on the North Shore where a small airstrip is located. Please take some time to register your views regarding the Aircraft Landing Strip on Noosa’s North Shore. Take the survey by clicking on the link. It essentially gives two options: the land becomes part of the Great Sandy National Park or has a section retained in the centre for other uses. It seems a no-brainer that all of this land should become part of the Great Sandy Desert National Park. The consultation closes Friday MAY 12, so do it now!

Kind Regards,


Dear valued stakeholder,

We hope this email finds you well. We are reaching out to you because we value your opinion and would greatly appreciate your participation in an important survey regarding the future management of Noosa North Shore Landing Reserve.

The Department of Environment and Science (DES) is seeking the community’s input on the future management options of the Noosa North Shore Landing Ground for Aircraft Reserve.  As a key stakeholder or previous authority holder I am contacting you directly to encourage to have your say.

The landing ground reserve, which was previously managed by the Noosa Shire Council, is now under the trusteeship of DES through the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS). This change in ownership was initiated in recognition of the reserve’s high conservation values and it’s unique and environmentally sensitive environment providing strong connectivity to the Great Sandy National Park.   

As part of the transfer DES has committed to undertake community consultation on the options for future management. The local community is encouraged to participate in this survey to show support for the proposed options

The survey is designed to be quick and easy to complete and should take no more than 5 minutes of your time. We have included options for consideration and a space to share any thought and view on the future management.

We understand that your time is valuable, but we truly believe that your input can make a difference. Your voice matters, and we want to hear from you. We encourage you to share this information amongst your networks.

To participate in the survey, simply click on the link below:

For further information,  please contact Danielle Mansfield, Assistance Principal Ranger on 0436661131.

Best regards,


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