Midyim (Austromyrtus dulcis)


Midyim IMG_6661

Midyim is a scrambling shrub, often prostate, that grows to 1 m. It flowers from spring to autumn and the white flowers are followed by distinctive edible speckled white berries. The new growth has a lovely red tinge, making it a plant that has interest all year round.

Try planting Midyim as part of an understory to provide food and shelter for birds. While it tolerates full sun, Midyim does better in partial shade or dappled sunlight. Tip pruning will encourage a bushier habit.

Although reasonably hardy, midyim likes watering during  prolonged dry spells. Thrips love it, but healthy plants generally recover on their own without any intervention.

MidyimIMG_6911 Midyim  path IMG_6914

Midyim on a grass path (front right) on Council land in Marcus Beach that connects Hawthorn Grove and Cherrywood Close.  Local residents weed this area allowing the native plants to self seed along the pathway.

More information https://www.anbg.gov.au/gnp/gnp12/austromyrtus-dulcis.html

This article is part of our Gardening with natives series.