Weeding and planting
Time | 8.00-11.30am |
Date | Thursday December 9 |
Place | Bike path off Callitris Cres |
Hi Fellow Bushcarers,
Just when you thought the Bushcare year had finished, we have another generous gift from Coolum Coastcare. Seven Energex staff have offered to do some weeding work for Coolum Coastcare who in turn have asked MBBA if we would like them to work at the site where their weeders helped us last month.
It’s a great opportunity to remove asparagus fern along the path and create a natural weed barrier by mass planting Midyim. The forecast wet summer will give the plants a good start. Some of Coolum’s weeders will attend too. If there are enough volunteers, we can extend the work on the eastern side of the path.
It’s a busy time of year, but I hope you can can join us on Thursday morning.
Best wishes,