Second Round of CHAP public consultation
The Council is calling for further comments on the revised CHAP.
The link above is to the Noosa Council Your Say page which has the link to the revised CHAP on the right. The changes are tracked in red, so they are easy to see, which will help you to make your comments and scan the document quickly.
Any comments you have must be in to the Council by Monday November 1. I strongly encourage you to have your say. In particular, see Sections 5-6 pp 34-71.
I am currently on holiday but will be putting together a response for the MBBA and would value any input from members and bushcarers.
While the emphasis on revegetation and consolidation of the coastal reserves is laudable, my reading is that the overall-emphasis has subtly shifted from taking a pro-active approach, to doing more monitoring, less immediate action and a staged approach as per p. 34.